Tuesday, March 13, 2012

// manhattan //

"Chapter one. He adored New York City. He idolized it all out of proportion. Uh, no, make that he romanticized it all out of proportion. Better. To him, no matter what the season was, this was still a town that existed in black and white and pulsated to the great tunes of George Gershwin. Uh, no, let me start this over.  Chapter one: he was too romantic about Manhattan, as he was about everything else."
-Isaac Davis, Manhattan

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This past weekend I was on my own. But it suited me just fine. I loved the afternoons sitting in my room when the sun hit just right reading magazines, books, with my ever present coffee mug in hand. And the nights were to die for. So much good music, painting, sketching, recording purely genius quotes from people somewhat smarter than me, and journaling until two in the morning on Friday night.
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Best of all was watching Woody Allen's Manhattan late Friday night. Already I have a strong love for Woody Allen with the authentic dialogue shown in his signature, beautiful five-minute takes. While watching Manhattan I was reminded why I adore Woody Allen so much: He seems to be the only director that uses effortless simplicity and bluntness in everything he films and who uses pretenseless dialogue and filming in a way that I truly admire, look up to and can pull so much inspiration from.
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This week holds many lovely adventures and lots of warm weather+sunshine. I embraced the sensation of Summer today and wore my thrifted 80's short and listened to Summer Camp+Surfer Blood. I do hope your week is sublime.

{images via Tumblr}


  1. I adore NYC and those photos are totally dreamy. Kisses, sweetie.

  2. We have the same taste in music! I love all of those artists. I appreciate all your feedback on my posts! thanks so much C:

  3. What a lovely quote and selection of images. I love the idea of what New York would've been like in the Fifties :)

    ♥mollie from musicandmollie

  4. allen is a star. i wouldn't say it unpretentious, i think he aims for vulnerable pretension myself, lol.
    i am STILL waiting to see this film!
