Winter is upon us, winter break is behind us, and the holidays are over. In all honesty, I haven't been super productive but I've been entirely alright with that. I write when I'm full of words, I draw when I feel I should, I'm in an almost constant state of foraging for the magical, fleeting moments that come along, but most of my time is spent with people. Not just any people though, people who I really feel comfortable with. If there's one thing I learned in 2013 it's that you have to be content with the choices you make and simply do the next thing. Because who cares if all I did this weekend was watch movies with my bro's, drive around in a car full of friends listening to Young the Giant loud enough that we can't hear our loud and proud voices, or that I stayed up till 3 AM talking about the future and the summer and recapping Lollapalooza? When I put it like that the fact that I didn't get my "to-do list" done this weekend melts away because I was with people that I love and the time we spent together fills me with endless energy. I know not everyone is as equally introverted and extroverted as me, and that some don't gain quite as much vivacity after being around people for several days. But for me, I've learned that you must cease beating yourself up for what you didn't get done and instead know yourself and be happy with your choices. And I've learned to be happy with mine.
[All photos by me]
yes yes and yes. i am so similar. 'magical, fleeting moments that come along' …perfectly said for how i operate, or do, i suppose. x