Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I always try and watch the sunset, simply to enjoy the last rays of daylight. On these notoriously Autumn overcast days I love the way the sky contrasts with the trees. And when it's sunny and golden, the sun swiftly sets and turns everything, especially the golden leaves, into a gleaming gold. I can't express exactly what it is about a golden sunset that gets me going. But when the wind is blowing and my mind's racing I feel as if anything is possible.
I love the way things are right about now. I have this new obsession for the Beatles, You've Got Mail, and the Sartorialist (I would literally frame every single one of Scott's photos). The last two hold a lot of that New York City feeling within them. Because putting that feeling into words is always hard, I feel I'll never do it justice. But I believe it's something like ambition, progression and dreams combined into something that, in my mind, resembles the most glorious molten gold sunset. 


  1. As I've told you before, you are a beautiful writer and have a unique way with words. Please don't ever stop. I turn to your blog for peace and refuge.

    Not sure if you know but i'm holding a cool giveaway for a free blog template :) Blog Milk Giveaway

    Have a good night!


  2. I love looking at the setting of the sun too :)
