Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today consists of: the Freaks and Geeks Halloween episode, endless spider webs and bats hung all over my room, jack-o-lanterns, my black high top Converse, Vincent Price's mustache, Ray Bradbury's Halloween stories, candy corn, BLACK VELVET, and friends this evening. 

And nothing better than a new Crystal Castles track for today:

"Anyone could see that the wind was a special wind this night, and the darkness took on a special feel because it was All Hallow's Eve. Everything seemed cut from soft black velvet or gold or orange velvet. Smoke panted up out of a thousand chimneys like the plumed of funeral parades. From kitchen windows drifted two pumpkin smells: gourds being cut, pies being baked."
-Ray Bradbury, The Halloween Tree

Monday, October 29, 2012

Things like this give me a really distinct feeling. Mostly I remember that feeling I had at Pitchfork when I saw Grimes playing alongside Blood Diamonds. Claire was up there flailing that skinny body and long hair around  when I looked above me and saw glitter blowing from the stage as the stars were appearing through the tangle of tree branches. While the beats were deafeningly pulsating, I was dancing inside of that crowd packed like s tuna can. But so was everyone else. And it was packed because we all knew that being there to see Grimes, barely able to breathe, was worth it because it made your heart and mind soar into

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Halloween is in FOUR DAYS and all is right with the world. 

{second photo by me}

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I always try and watch the sunset, simply to enjoy the last rays of daylight. On these notoriously Autumn overcast days I love the way the sky contrasts with the trees. And when it's sunny and golden, the sun swiftly sets and turns everything, especially the golden leaves, into a gleaming gold. I can't express exactly what it is about a golden sunset that gets me going. But when the wind is blowing and my mind's racing I feel as if anything is possible.
I love the way things are right about now. I have this new obsession for the Beatles, You've Got Mail, and the Sartorialist (I would literally frame every single one of Scott's photos). The last two hold a lot of that New York City feeling within them. Because putting that feeling into words is always hard, I feel I'll never do it justice. But I believe it's something like ambition, progression and dreams combined into something that, in my mind, resembles the most glorious molten gold sunset. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Distant cities. Same shining sunlight.

"Take a simple idea and take it seriously." -Charles T. Munger

My motto for this week...and always. 

{photos via Tumblr}

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

So Many Details

Most importantly in my life right now: the one and only Toro y Moi has released a new track, So Many Details, from his upcoming album Anything in Return!!! Yeah!!! Judging from this song, the new album will have good, chill, positive vibes intermingled with heart wrenching beats that melt your face off, all pulled off in that way that Chazwick Bundick does so well. 

But guess what?! The leaves are blowing away day by day! I find it enchanting the way the leaves turn golden, blow away in a flurry and leave me feeling a tad bit forlorn. It is a bittersweet feeling since I know the last of summer has left until next year. But for now, I'm finding comfort in music that elates the senses, delicious food, exhilarating friends, and most importantly THE NEW TORO Y MOI TRACK!

{photos by me}

Monday, October 15, 2012

these are the days I love

These are the days I love...when me and my gang drive through the cold Fall night jamming to the best music, create art until one in the morning, and make six boxes of mac-n-cheese while listening to Prince and the Black Keys.
With these cold skies, bitter winds, and golden hues I love being on my own especially late at night. At night with the incense burning and BBNG, my mind comes alive and I go straight for my huge sketchbook. But when I'm with my gang that's when it gets really good. Thoughts are said. Jokes are made. And it is understood.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bone chilling nights

Bone chilling nights and comforting fires. My love for those around me growing everyday because of my love growing for the Lord. Creating and listening. Blinding sunshine and strong winds. Incense and Halloween decorations. Learning new art forms and life's truths. This is what Fall has been for me and what I hope it has been for you too. 

{photo and collage by me. polyvore set via tumblr}

Thursday, October 4, 2012

/// Artistry

"And I think that the whole idea here is to just have a life and then to have the need to touch reality. And for me touching reality is just having a grilled cheese sandwich."
-Alber Elbaz

{images via Tumblr}

Monday, October 1, 2012

/// Soaring

"We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever."
-Carl Sagan 

Not surprisingly, this weather does wonders to my soul. It chills me to the bone. Not to mention the harvest moon just took my breath away. Then to top it all off our gang drove along deserted roads late at night with just the moonlight and ghosts of gypsies. The only thing that seems right for my mood is to read creepy classics, or curl up by the fire and watch a movie, or listen to Bob Dylan all day and all night. Which is basically what I do, actually.

{first two photos and illustration by me.}