Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Glitter polish on my nails and pumpkins on my dining table.

They're back. The magical and perfect holidays are back. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I am so looking forward to it with its delicious pies, late night games, and the anticipation of shopping in the Christmas spirit on Friday with brilliant friends, including darling Rilla. Tonight you find my mum, sister, and I preparing pies and decorating the tables while listening to some Louis Armstrong. 
It seems surreal that the holidays are already here. This year was a whirlwind of perfect memories...but it flew by in the blink of an eye so that I'm not sure what to think. But I am wishing for a magical holiday season full of warm fires, classy nights out, time with family and friends, and coffee late at night. I'm off to read the November Country Living issue by the cosy fire. 
I wish you all the most wonderful Thanksgiving! Enjoy one another's company and, of course, the delicious food. 
How perfect that tomorrow is:
Anticipation and excitement and this cosy time of year on my mind. 
Wishing you the best, 
Tuney Potter 

P.S.-Obsessed with Animal Collective and Carrie's beautiful Wintry posts (especially the Paris ones! I can truly say my breath was taken away. Paris will be mine someday). xxx

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Harvested fields and silhouette trees...

"How silently they tumble down and come to rest upon the ground to lay a carpet, rich and rare, beneath the trees without a care, content to sleep, their work well done, colours gleaming in the sun.
At other times they wildly fly until they nearly reach the sky. Twisting, turning through the air till all the trees stand stark and bare. Exhausted, drop to earth below to wait, like children, for the snow."
-Elsie N. Brady
"When the bold branches bid farewell to rainbow leaves-welcome wool sweaters."
-B. Cybrill

"The fires burn, the kettles sing, and earth sinks to rest until next Spring."
-Elizabeth Coatsworth
The fields are now harvested and the last of the leaves have blown in a rainy wonder. The horizon outdoors is barren but beautiful. There is something so wondrous about the trees looking like silhouettes while you continually reflect on the beautiful things. Just the sight of the harvested land allows you to muse. Autumn truly is a season for musing. It's a time to think and relish and love. To me it seems to be almost a taste of what wonderful December will bring. For December is certainly a month of love and warmth. 
My days and weekends have been wonderful. My most wonderful friends and I sit by the fire, read magazines, talk for hours on end, make late night suppers listening to St. Vincent, share apples at midnight, plan sleepovers for December to watch Christmas movies and sleep in sleeping blankets, and take late night runs to buy ice cream listening to Hall & Oates. It is completely brilliant. 
And of course, my darling Rilla and I watched Deathly Hallows Part 1 and 2 on 11.11.11. It was magical. We got chills and talked all the while of our favourite bits and which were the most beautiful scenes and costumes. Harry Potter is pure magic and wonder. 
Thanksgiving is next week and my mum and I are getting table decorations around. I've been poring over old November Country Living issue's for ideas and recipes. At night I spend time by the fire reading and dreaming and think, always, of New York City. I promise I will share with you my perfect adventures from New York very soon!
Dreaming of shopping among the bustle of Black Friday while the Christmas music plays and I purchase gifts and buy glamorous and sparkly Winter clothes.

Hope your doing wonderfully! How have your days been?
Tuney Potter 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

November notions....

The last of the warm colours and Autumnal sights are rushing by in a flurry. Days are shorter, the moon and stars linger longer, and the trees are bare silhouettes. I sit by the fireside and paint and read for hours on end.  Sometimes I simply think and suffer from wanderlust...and dream...and sometimes talk with my mum about our ideals.

The holidays are coming up and with December's exciting arrival comes that excitement of sparkles and shimmers and glamour and my house being best dressed in its adornment of Christmas decorations. 
It snowed for the first time tonight and I was utterly caught off guard. It was pure magic and I am completely looking forward to Winter and Christmas. How perfect they are. 
Tomorrow night I'll be watching Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Part 2 right in a row with my dear Rilla and we will eat every-flavour beans and chocolate frogs. 11.11.11. It will be magical and surreal. Now that it's coming out on DVD it is officially and forever over....though it shall always have a special place in my heart. Harry Potter will always make me feel all warm inside. I will always love it more than I can say. 
Happy weekend, darlings! 
Tuney Potter

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fireside and sweater month♥

In a whirlwind of recovering after living in New York City for a divine week I've been busy with blissful Autumn activities. I came home feeling slightly empty after such a glorious trip (photos and thoughts next week after the weekend!). The leaves had rapidly changed colour while I was away so the landscape is golden and orange and leaves are raining at my home and the fields are harvested. 
This week I've been getting back into the swing of normal life. Magical trick-or-treating Monday night, a brilliant sushi dinner Tuesday, leisurely walks through my forest, watching New York films with my mum (You've Got Mail, Breakfast at Tiffany's♥), gazing at the stars in the cold winds, and sipping coffee and reading VOGUE by the fire. 
November has arrived and I'd quite forgotten how much I enjoy this month. The day's become extremely short allowing more time to sketch and read by the fire or decorate your room. And in this month the outdoors becoming barren in a mysteriously beautiful way. 
With this month's arrival comes the excitement for warm, cosy, familiar Thanksgiving and with Thanksgiving's arrival comes that pre-Christmas giddiness. 
I can truly say that October, November, and December are the most perfect trio of months.
Also with November's arrival comes that yearning to watch Deathly Hallows Part 1-which, in my opinion, is a perfect and breathlessly wonderful film!

Still, my heart is in New York City. 
Tuney Potter