I have the most perfect news imaginable to share with you. Monday night my mum
booked the flight to New York City!
It will be utterly beyond perfect staying there for one whole glorious week! I've so much I plan to do in this divine city. At night when I've nothing better to do I plan outfits I shall wear and what pictures I shall take. It's my first time visiting this classy city and I feel so giddy and blissful just thinking about arriving on the plane and seeing that skyline and crossing over the Brooklyn Bridge. 

Coffee at the Plaza, sketching in Central Park, shopping in the Upper East Side, trying my best to look sophisticated through Fifth Avenue, having a breakfast at Tiffany's, eating that New York style pizza I've heard about since I was young, biking through Greenwich Village, and viewing the city at night from the glorious Empire State.
My sister and I are leaving at the end of October which means I'll be a part of an
My sister and I are leaving at the end of October which means I'll be a part of an
Autumn in New York♥
It all feels so dreamlike and surreal, it's far too perfect.
23 tiny days until Times Square!
Warm regards,
xxx Tuney Potter xxx