Thursday, September 29, 2011


I have the most perfect news imaginable to share with you. Monday night my mum
booked the flight to New York City!
It will be utterly beyond perfect staying there for one whole glorious week! I've so much I plan to do in this divine city. At night when I've nothing better to do I plan outfits I shall wear and what pictures I shall take. It's my first time visiting this classy city and I feel so giddy and blissful just thinking about arriving on the plane and seeing that skyline and crossing over the Brooklyn Bridge. 
Coffee at the Plaza, sketching in Central Park, shopping in the Upper East Side, trying my best to look sophisticated through Fifth Avenue, having a breakfast at Tiffany's, eating that New York style pizza I've heard about since I was young, biking through Greenwich Village, and viewing the city at night from the glorious Empire State.
My sister and I are leaving at the end of October which means I'll be a part of an
Autumn in New York♥
It all feels so dreamlike and surreal, it's far too perfect. 
 23 tiny days until Times Square!
Warm regards, 
xxx Tuney Potter xxx

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is your sweater on?

"Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald
Oh, Autumn! You are here and I am happy. The days have arrived with warm, dense coffee in the morning, leaves turning slowly golden with traces of red, chilled winds, early sunsets with golden rays, days cool enough to wear pumpkin-coloured sweaters, everything appearing in hues of warm colours, and late nights by the fire all wrapped in a blanket reading divine books.
"September days are here: with Summer's best of weather and Autumn's best of cheer."
-Helen Hunt Jackson
"Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn."
-Elizabeth Lawrence
"Of yellow leaves and gossamer, in Autumns that there were. With morning mist and silver sun and wind upon my hair."
-J.R.R. Tolkien
With Autumn's coming I always have this passion for The Lake District. 
It's odd but...Paris is forever "my city" and I've never even been. But, when Autumn comes, though Paris is still filling my heart, The Lake District and Cornwall always draw me. I haven't the foggiest idea why but it always happens. I think it might be those overcast days you see with traces of sunshine and the mountains and the trees and the sea and the cosy cottages with thatched roofs and ducks running about the yard.
"The magic of autumn has seized the countryside; now that the sun isn't ripening anything it shines for the sake of the golden age."
-Elizabeth Coatsworth
"Nothing is original. Steal from anywhere that resonates with
inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent. And don't bother concealing your thievery-celebrate if you feel like it. In any case, always remember what Jean-Luc Godard said: 'It's not where you take things from-it's where you take things to.' "
-Jim Jarmusch

I'm off to Chicago for the weekend with brilliant friends and we're taking a train there which shall be lovely.
Happy Autumn, darlings!
May your days be sunny and your sweaters warm and your fires cosy. 
Tuney Potter

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Listening to this, continually inspired by this beautiful blog, dying to see this perfect film again, and loving this beautiful video that is so mesmerizing. 
Autumn has arrived in its glorious and always unexpected arrival. It seems I always forget how much I simply adore Autumn because you're too caught up in the perfection of Summer. And then Autumn comes and you pull on sweaters and thrifted ankle boots and skinny jeans and you remember how divine the season is.
I love the cool winds, the crisp air, the leaves slowly turning golden, coffee in the morning, and early evenings coming into my house with wind-blown hair and rosy cheeks with aromatic soup wafting from the kitchen and Frank Sinatra playing from the living room. 

Dreaming of New York. I'll be going next month and it will be like a dream. ♥

With lots of love,
xxx Tuney Potter xxx